Delivering your message

Whether you are creating messages for your website, for brochures or to share from the stage, Emma can help. She can take your ideas, thoughts, words and slides and help you to structure them in a way that will WOW your audience.

She has worked on:

  1. Creating powerful presentations to demonstrate your expertise, that make her clients shine
  2. Writing brochures and website copy for companies who want people to read to the very end and act
  3. Engaging and intriguing answers to the question “what do you do?” so that your business gets more clients

As the author of “Presentations that Ignite Your Audience: Engage Them, WOW Them“, Dr Emma Sutton has over twenty years’ experience in designing and delivering presentations – lasting from 3 day workshops to 5 minute Pecha Kucha presentations. She uses her unique five step SPARK process to take your ideas and craft them into something simple, surprising and memorable, however they are delivered.

She will help you to:

  • Discover the compelling story you really need to share with your audience
  • Mine for the Diamond in your message – the ONE thing that is so valuable, if your audience remembers nothing else, they will have had great value
  • Craft powerful, lingering after effects so that your message has a ripple effect in their lives
  • Design remarkable resources that will enhance and enthral your audience
  • Pull everything together into a simple, surprising message that is memorable from start to finish

My challenge was creating compelling marketing messages.

Emma quickly understood my business and my clients’ needs and produced great materials with apparent ease.

Gerrit Pelzer

Vivo Coaching

I had an opportunity to present at a business conference and I was terrified. Emma was a true Diamond. She is amazingly creative and has a knack for getting to the point. In an instant she turned my ramblings into succinct points.

She made sure my flow worked and that my presentation not only started with a WOW but ended with one too!

Judy Parsons

Build Your Perfect Tribe

I was due to deliver a presentation at a conference and was struggling…

I cannot stress how fantastic Emma was. Working with me she gave me confidence in my idea and helped shape my presentation from meh to marvellous. She taught me, amongst other things the power of storytelling, the pause, using humour and leaving stuff out.

It was great to get so many positive comments on my presentation – I couldn’t have done it without Emma.

Tess Horsby Smith

University of Leeds