Ignite Your Audience!

Can you pass on our gratitude for having Emma for the day? She has totally transformed those who attended and is an incredible trainer. So many ideas were generated all around how best to engage with members of the public, really can’t stress how fantastic she was. Karen Doyle

University of Birmingham

Engage Them. WOW Them.

This book is for you if:

  • You want your presentation and your business to stand out in a crowded room
  • You want your audience to be hanging on your every word
  • You want your presentation to inspire new ideas and passion in your audience
  • You want your presentations and your business to be remembered, and
  • You want to do all this in a fraction of the time it might usually take you

My book offers this and so much more. Get inspired, gain confidence and learn how to WOW people with your presentation skills by reading this fantastic book. Buy it here

In it, I answer the five questions I am most frequently asked about presentations:

  1. How do I make an impact on my audience?
  2. How do I know what to say (and what not to say)?
  3. How do I get my audience to remember me long after the presentation is over?
  4. How do I keep their attention throughout?
  5. How to I remember what to say?

This book is packed with five simple yet powerful tips that spell out SPARK – the very thing that will ensure that your presentation ignites your audience. Each question is answered in depth, with practical examples and tips to ensure that from the first word out of your mouth to the last thing you say, your audience is engaged, inspired and cannot wait to tweet or share the valuable content you shared. You will know how to react if the conference organisation asks you to speak for half your original time, how to work out quickly what to say, how to get your butterflies flying in formation and so much more.

All illustrated by the wonderful Lucy. Click the button to buy your copy

Buy your copy

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Bring The Book To Life – With SPARK Workshops At Your Company

If you or your organisation would like to experience the SPARK process in a live, interactive setting, so that your company’s presentations Ignite Your Audience and WOW Them, then I have just the thing for you. In just one day, you will apply the SPARK process to your very own presentations, getting the individual coaching, help and advice to ensure that everything you have ready comes alive and is applied. Starting with a blank piece of paper, you will craft your very own Presentation that Ignites Your Audience. The principles will come to life as you get bespoke advice and coaching to create the very best presentation possible.

The SPARK process will take your presentation through these five steps:



How to use a simple hero/ problem/ solution structure to tell powerful stories that will engage and inspire your audience

How to use vivid imagery to help your audience remember what you have to say

Pick Your Diamond

How to Mine for Your Diamond

How to test your Diamond – So What? and “Is it Fake?”

Awesome Afters

How to know what your audience most needs to learn

How to write 3-5 Awesome Afters

How to design a talk title to create the right first impression in your audience

Remarkable Resources

How to create Remarkable Resources to enhance your words

How to create handouts or notes that are NOT your slides

Know the Flow

How to craft powerful opening and closing lines to your presentation

How to relax and deliver with confidence

100% of course attendees from Cancer Research UK would recommend it to friends or colleagues, but why?

  • “Because it presents an inspirational approach and is different to other presentation workshops I have attended”
  • “So that they get the light bulb experience after years of boring training”
  • “[it’s] transferable to others areas of life, shows how presenting should be and how to put across something difficult. Gives you SPARK”

Cancer Research

Get in Touch

If your organisation delivers presentations, workshops, seminars or training, whether internally or externally, then your organisation could save hundreds of hours a year, cutting their preparation time in half using the skills your staff will learn and apply in this one-day workshop.

If you use presentations and speaking to gain clients, to demonstrate your expert status, to raise the profile of your business, would you like your presentation to be unforgettable? If you deliver presentations on any topic, to any audience, and you want them to Ignite Your Audience, then contact Emma to arrange a one-day workshop and learn how you and your staff can master these skills for yourself.

Book Emma to deliver her one day SPARK workshop to give your staff the skills and confidence to deliver Presentations that Ignite Your Audience.

Hire Emma