Ever opened the fridge, stared at the contents within and then after a few minutes of idle staring, shut it again?  Ditto a bottle of wine (not staring, probably drinking it), or buying something you don’t need on eBay..

The thing you are looking for will never be found in the fridge.  Or in a bottle of wine.  Or from stuff.

Your mojo comes from within you.

So step away from the [insert comfort food here, in my case a block of cheese].  Leave your house.

Get away from all the distractions and temptations of our busy lives.

Look around you. Feel the wind as it tussles your hair, the sun on your face.  Breathe in deeply.  Again and again.  Feel the warm glow of the air inside your lungs or the icy feeling as it travels deep inside.

Feel how loved you are.

You.  Are.  Loved.

Give yourself permission to have fun, to kick back, to laugh like a hyena, to skip through the leaves, to roll down a grassy bank until your hair is knotted and your jeans covered in mud.  Splash through puddles, dance naked in the rain.

You are amazing.  Let yourself be totally, fricking, unbelievably amazing.