Shine Bright Like a Diamond

What if you created such a buzz when people met you that they couldn’t wait to tell all their friends about you and your business?

  • Do you want to get noticed and get people excited to speak to you when you meet them?
  • Do you want your marketing materials to get people saying “WOW! This is amazing”?
  • Do you want to know the secrets to being yourself

The first step to building your business is to get noticed – or you risk being a Business Ninja, someone invisible that nobody remembers. In this workshop, you will explore different ways in which you and your business can get noticed, so that people remember you and talk about you.

Because when that happens, you can walk into a room and people will say “I’ve heard about you.”

Would you like to have that sort of impact?

You’ll walk through eight Diamond steps to ensure you become a business that people notice, that people talk about and that gets you more clients. We will talk about LOVE and how that impacts your very ability to shine. You will then start thinking about your own business as you explore these DIAMOND steps:

  • Do One Thing Differently – keep it simple, so more people talk about you
  • Ignore the Crowd – what rules are you stuck in, that you need to break out of?
  • Adore Your Clients – so that they cannot wait to tell others about how amazing you are
  • Marmite is Memorable Magic – explore what makes you tick that will draw others to you
  • Original not Ordinary – how can you create marketing that is kept for years?
  • Not About You – we’ll review your words and online presence for the YOU factor
  • Dazzle Them – what will you do to make your clients feel great and love you even more?
  • Sell Stories Not Sausages – how you can create experiences that people will never forget

This is an interactive experience – you will get to play around with ideas, bounce them off each other and leave with a host of ideas that can take your business noticeability to the next level (yes, I made that word up).

Isn’t It Time You Polished Your Diamond, and Made It Shine So Brightly They Have to Wear Shades?

Hire Emma