Does your marketing shine?

lucy website homepageWhat if marketing created more than just stylish compost?

What if you began to love your marketing – to want to frame it and put it under your pillow at night?

What if marketing was more than just more noise in a world already deafeningly loud?

What if you could create marketing that people love, marketing that lingers in their hearts and minds for years to come?

What would that be worth to you?

Beautiful nuggets from the blog

The Art of Shouting Quietly

My eyes were meadering aimlessly over the fonts and designs at the bookstore and BANG!  This title with two words that shouldn’t be together, grabbed my attention.  “The Art of Shouting Quietly”.  After hundreds of bookcovers that rendered me bored,... read more

No Zzz’s Required

There I was on a train, drawing Lucy dozing in a hammock, eyes closed and the woman next to me starts a conversation. “Are you a professional artist?” Interesting question. I pondered the possible meaning behind that – what does she mean by a professional... read more

Mirror Mirror On the Cloud

When you look in the mirror, who do you see?  Do you see the real you – the truth of you?  Do you see how brilliant you are, the treasures within, the genius that lies in your heart and soul?  Do you recognise what is amazing about you? Are you able to look at... read more