Does your marketing shine?

lucy website homepageWhat if marketing created more than just stylish compost?

What if you began to love your marketing – to want to frame it and put it under your pillow at night?

What if marketing was more than just more noise in a world already deafeningly loud?

What if you could create marketing that people love, marketing that lingers in their hearts and minds for years to come?

What would that be worth to you?

Beautiful nuggets from the blog

The Moment Before You Speak

On Tuesday this week I was delighted to be speaking at Bettakultcha again – this time at a new venue, Belgravia Music Hall in Leeds.  I have snaked the microphone lead beneath my top (as the tech guy averted his gaze), clipped on the mic and put the battery/... read more

Being Funny Is Like Being A Lady

Margaret Thatcher once said these immortal words “Being powerful is like being a lady, if you have to tell someone you are, you aren’t.” And the same is true of being funny.  If you say you’re the next Sarah Millican, people are likely to roll... read more

It’s No Kind of Magic

‘It’s the Magic Shop!‘ shout my children as we drive past.  There’s an image of a top hat and cane (they think it’s a wand) outside, so Abracadabra, it’s a magic shop. It’s not a magic shop… It is called Snooty’s,... read more