When you look in the mirror, who do you see? 

Do you see the real you – the truth of you?  Do you see how brilliant you are, the treasures within, the genius that lies in your heart and soul?  Do you recognise what is amazing about you?

Are you able to look at yourself, at your eyes, your body, your laughter lines, your blemishes, your bed-head with truly open heart – as if it was the first time you have ever met yourself? Or maybe you let the past, judgements, expectations, how you are feeling in the moment distort your view like a hall of mirrors in a not-much-fun fair?

Maybe it’s time to reset your view of yourself and get a new, fresh perspective on the real you, the one that other people see, whose vision is not so clouded by that stuff.

How do you find out who you really are?

Recently I spoke at the BizMums Conference in Alsager and I put feedback forms on the tables, hoping to get a few insights or perhaps even testimonials I can use in my marketing.  I always love to find out whether my content resonated with my audience, so that I can keep improved and raising my game.  In one of the questions, I asked “Which three words describe Emma?” In essence, I handed them a mirror and asked them what they see or experience, when they were listening to me.

Then I posted them into a wordcloud generator, and discovered how the audience as a whole experienced me – bubbly, funny, inspirational were popular words.  Yet it was the words like “kick ass” or “real” that were eye openers.  Until I read those comments, I am not sure they were things I would have naturally said about myself.

Perhaps we could all do with a lesson in how to see ourselves as others see us?