Stick Figure Lucy is waving a magic wand over a top hat

‘It’s the Magic Shop!‘ shout my children as we drive past.  There’s an image of a top hat and cane (they think it’s a wand) outside, so Abracadabra, it’s a magic shop.

It’s not a magic shop…

It is called Snooty’s, which brings to mind a gentleman’s outfitters, where one and one’s dandy friends can equip oneself with frippery and essentials such as sock suspenders and spats, for that pompous look that young people all aspire to.

It’s not a gentleman’s outfitters…

You can’t miss it: the shop frontage is a riot of red, orange and yellow vivid enough to give you headache.  And you frown, because this shop has an identity crisis.  It has a posh name, a top hat and cane, garish red signage, and is sited on a narrow pavement alongside a busy main road, where seven lanes of traffic roar and snarl especially during the no-rush hour.  It has huge glass windows that allow you to see in, so you can at least one can turn oneself around, if one was hoping to purchase sleeve garters here.

What does this shop sell?

It’s a pizza bar  (of course!)

Image of Snootys Pizza Bar

I have never been inside.  I simply do not believe that the pizza they are peddling is going to be pompous perfection.