How Do You Decide How to Market Your Business?

A clueless entrepreneur thinks her shiny new tools are going to save her from oblivion

(after Hugh McLeod)

Most marketing is rubbish. Expensive, stylish rubbish, but it ends up as compost nonetheless

Your clients love what you do.

You know that you could help a lot more people if only more people knew about you.

And yet… somehow the steady stream of clients you had hoped for have yet to appear.  People meet you once, twice, three times and still cannot remember your name, your company or what you do. You have paid for adverts, printed some brochures and yet still the phone doggedly refuses to ring off the hook. You wonder if you need to be on Pinterest, or Periscope or some other bright new shiny thing that will magically create the stampede you have dreamed about.

It’s all too easy to get sucked into printing brochures because it seems a cheap way to tell lots of people about your business.  Yet how many flyers that you receive do YOU read?  We are increasingly disillusioned and immune to marketing – we skip adverts on TV, we recycle flyers without even glancing at them, we discard business cards from our desk after what seems like an “appropriate time”.

You look around and see your competitors have brochures, so you print some.  Your competition go networking, so you go networking.  Whereas the truth is simpler – if everyone is doing it then you blooming well shouldn’t be doing it.

Do not create a single piece of marketing that doesn’t start to create a reaction, or start a relationship.  Instead of telling people about your company for 60 seconds at a networking event, give them a Diamond – a piece of advice so valuable, that just hearing that will have made coming to the event worthwhile.

Instead of creating a postcard people just read (or bin), why not make it a puzzle with a prize for the first person to work it out?

You Can Sparkle and Shine

This website is packed with ideas, videos, articles and more to help you and your business sparkle and shine.

Go to my portfolio pages for

If you’d like more help from me, just fill in my short contact form, and I’ll be in touch!

Whatever you do, just promise me this – that your marketing will be absolutely freaking gorgeous, amazing and brilliant.


Instead of more stylish compost.