Chewing Gum and Frankenstein

It’s Halloween.  A time for ghouls, vampires, witches, pumpkins and pedants gnawing their own tongues off whenever someone mentions Frankenstein.  You see, Frankenstein is the name of Mary Shelley’s doctor, not their green bolted creation.  If you Google...

Are You A Victoria Sponge?

A Victoria Sponge is a classic yet unremarkable cake.  It has none of the hipster cool of cupcakes swirled with elaborate toppings, none of the naughty indulgence of a rich chocolate cake and none of the warming comfort of fruit cake.  It’s a simple vanilla...

The Moment Before You Speak

On Tuesday this week I was delighted to be speaking at Bettakultcha again – this time at a new venue, Belgravia Music Hall in Leeds.  I have snaked the microphone lead beneath my top (as the tech guy averted his gaze), clipped on the mic and put the battery/...